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How Do You Write?

Excuse me?

I’ve often been asked this question and it never fails to stop me in my tracks.  How do I write?

Well, it has to begin with an idea, an idea of what I want to write, fiction or non-fiction.  Do I want to write a story?  A short story, a novella or do I want to share a topic about which I feel strongly?

Then, I put the idea on paper in a couple of words.  Once the idea is down, I just write anything and everything that comes to mind, related to that idea.  This will go on for about ten minutes.

After that, I take a look at what I’ve written and try to make a mind map.  That will be the skeleton to which more will be added as I think of the “meat” to add to fill out the skeleton.

There is a group which meets in the evening, once a month, in a small roofed shelter by the sea.  We discuss books which we’ve read, share our thoughts and even our writing.  A member of our group suggested that we should pen 100 word stories and share them.  This was an excellent exercise as it required us to crystallize our stories into 100 words.


Peggy is a happy grandmother of four, who enjoys travelling, reading and creative writing. She also enjoys crafting poems. She used to enjoy an early morning round of golf but unfortunately a back problem has mostly put an end to this beloved game. She now settles for morning walks in the park. Gardening is another of her passions but the move into condo living has curtailed that. How many plants can you have on your balcony? Besides, there’s the ongoing battle with the mealy bugs that have devoured all the beautiful flowering plants. Now they’re attacking the leafy plants. Writing has always been her first love and she has published English Grammar books in her home country as well as a series of “Yes I Can Read” stories retold in simple language for children. You can find her other books, both fiction and non-fiction, including children’s books in the Kindle store on She also shares her thoughts and the places she has visited in her blogs at Do check them out at

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