Excuse me? I’ve often been asked this question and it never fails to stop me in my tracks. How do I write? Well, it has to begin with an idea, an idea of what I want to write, fiction or non-fiction. Do I want to write a story? A short story, a novella or do I want to share a topic about which I feel strongly? Then, I put the idea on paper in a couple of words. Once the idea is down, I just write anything and everything that comes to mind, related to that idea. This will go on for about ten minutes. After that, I take a look at what I’ve written and try to make a mind map. That will be the skeleton to which more will be added as I think of the “meat” to add to fill out the skeleton. There is a group which meets in the evening, once a month, in a small roofed shelter by the sea. We discuss books which we’ve read, share our thoughts and even our writing. A member of our group suggested that we should pen 100 word stories and share them. This was an excellent exercise […]